Webinar on Immersive Technologies for Industrial Training (Augmented and Virtual Realities)


Last Wednesday, June 5, 2024, we had another fantastic webinar, via Zoom.Immersive technologies are transforming the landscape of training and industrial applications. From improving security protocols to simplifying complex procedures, Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) provide immersive experiences that go beyond traditional methods.

In this enlightening webinar co-organized by UNIDEMI, NOVA FCT and SENAI CIMATEC University, Brazil, several topics were explored such as:

• The latest advancements in VR and AR technology.

• Practical applications in industrial training, maintenance and simulations.

• How immersive technologies increase productivity and efficiency.

• Success stories and real case studies.

• Future trends and possibilities in the industry.

We had the participation of the main speakers:

Dr. Ingrid Winkler – Professor at the SENAI CIMATEC University Center

Andre Cordeiro – Deputy Director of HR at the Pharmaceutical Technology Institute | Fiocruz

Tulio Coletto – Research, Development and Innovation Manager at Bosch Brazil

Tiago Silva – Assistant Professor, UNIDEMI/DEMI, Faculty of Science and Technology NOVA, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Aneesh Zutshi – Assistant Professor, UNIDEMI/DEMI, Faculty of Science and Technology NOVA, Universidade Nova de Lisboa

You can watch the webinar here: