Topology optimization and metal additive manufacturing unified to obtain functionally graded material structures


This project aims to design metallic functionally graded materials and structures using topology optimization and producing parts using wire-arc additive manufacturing

Starting Date: fev 2023

Number of Partners: 0

Total Budget: 50K€

The project aims obtaining mechanical structural parts of improved strength in lightweight metal construction.

This impacts on the Mechanical Engineering field, mainly in the metalworking industry to produce structural parts which can be used in a variety of applications ranging from static load bearing devices to dynamic mechanical systems as found in the automotive and aeronautic sectors.

Topology optimization is at the forefront of mechanical computational design tools to generate innovative designs. Here it is combined to Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) which is a relatively new manufacturing technology to produce metal parts, mainly of complex design and composition features.

In the mechanical field a growing interest for functionally graded material (FGM) structures is seen as a breakthrough in design and construction to excel in performance. Therefore, topology optimization, WAAM and FGM solutions are among modern and future key trends of Mechanical Engineering.

Visit the project page here.