PROBING – Project New Quality Inspection Products for Laser Brazed Joints using Integrated Non-Destructive Testing

31/SI/2017 N.°040042

The PROBING Project consists of creating an innovative product for detecting defects in laser-brazed joints using inspection techniques and non-destructive testing.

Starting Date: 2019

Number of Partners: 3

Total Budget: 332K€

This project aims to create a product that will allow, for the first time, the detection of defects in laser-brazed joints, using innovative inspection techniques and non-destructive testing.

This product will allow, for the first time, to automatically inspect the quality of this type of joint immediately after the brazing process and on all parts processed on the assembly line, also contributing to the early identification of problems in the machinery.

UNIDEMI researchers contributes to this project with the design and conception of miniaturized probes for inspecting laser-brazed joints and by carrying out preliminary validation tests in a real environment of the inspection mechanism.

Visit the project page here.