Entitled “Heterogeneous Workforce Management in Logistics Systems through Optimisation Models “, Gaboleiro’s research aims to find optimised solutions to promote the inclusion of workers who are often neglected or stigmatised as “less productive” and to encourage organisations to adopt inclusive management approaches, which will allow organizations to contribute to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This thesis aims to create a decision support system for Grupo Jerónimo Martins that is capable of dealing with the heterogeneity of the workforce within the warehouse management.
The thesis is supervised by Prof. Dr. Maria Isabel Gomes (NOVA FCT), with co-supervision by Prof. Dr. Isabel L. Nunes (NOVA FCT). The event is an opportunity for colleagues and others interested in industrial engineering to gain insights into the key aspects of this research and contribute with questions and suggestions that may enrich the thesis development.