IAAD Summer School on Axiomatic Design


The first edition of the IAAD Summer School on Axiomatic Design – Systems Engineering and Design of Complex Systems took place on the 19th, 20th and 21st of July, in which the NOVA School of Science and Technology | NOVA FCT participation was organized and managed by Professor João Fradinho, from the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (DEMI), who was also an active participant in it, having given the lecture “Example of AD application for problem solving”.

Seven NOVA  FCT students created two working groups for this Summer School and joined the remaining groups from several international schools (University of Bolzano, Polytechnique de Montreal and University of Purdue), to carry out and present projects created using the 12 Systems methodology Engineering Lifecycle Design Steps.
The two groups of students from NOVA FCT ended up standing out, having reached 1st and 3rd place among the nine groups of students that existed in total. The 1st prize was awarded to the Design of Lucid EV battery pack project, carried out by students Bernardo Raposo Santos, José David Fernandes Caçador, Miguel Pinto Matos and Tomás Justino Lima Narciso. The 3rd prize was awarded to the project Design of a system for picking fruits carried out by students Diogo Costa Paulo de Oliveira, Pedro José Ornelas Freitas and Ricardo Alberto Henriques Manica.