Starting Date: 2022
Number of Partners: –
Total Budget: 14K€
As in the field of human psychology, the understanding of the mechanical behaviour of fibrous materials will require observation in experimentation. To study soft tissues, for instance, ex-vivo experiments using a mechanical testing system are essential to assess the hyperelastic, damage and rupture properties. However, commercial material testing systems are most often very expensive (50-100 k-euros) and may not be fully suitable for specific requirements.
In this project it is intended to design and develop a low cost biaxial testing device for material characterisation. The technological requirements are: (a) it has to be portable, (b) it will have a grip system suitable to grab soft tissue, (c) it includes a bath (for physiological solution) to control temperature of the sample; (d) it will couple with digital image correlation; (e) it will have a GUI to synchronize load, actuator and image acquisitions; (f) it will be flexible to test other types of engineering materials.