A DEMI student Doctoral Thesis allows IPQ to have the smallest microflow measurement capacity (CMC) in the world


Doctor Elsa Batista (IPQ), guided by Professor Rui Fernando Martins (NOVA FCT) and Professor Vânia Silvério (INESC MN, IST / UL), developed, within the scope of the MeDDII project – Metrology for drug delivery (www.drugmetrology.com ), a new method for calibrating microflow measuring instruments (such as infusion syringes, insulin pumps and flow meters), based on interferometric technology.

This new calibration method, which has been validated by an international comparison, allows the IPQ to now have the lowest microflow measurement capacity (CMC) in the world, namely 5 nL/min, with 2.7% uncertainty, having been published in July on the BIPM website – Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (www.BIPM.org).