Contract no 780758

Boosting the growth potential of CEE start-ups on a pan-European level by creating new opportunities, synergies and opening the GATE of Startup Europe to the Balkans

Starting Date: 2018

Number of Partners: 10

Total Budget: 1.572M€

MY-GATEWAY aims to boost the growth potential of CEE start-ups on a pan-European level by exploiting consortium partners’ Startup Europe experience and by implementing actions aimed at creating new opportunities and synergies within and beyond MY-GATEWAY’s ecosystems.

MY-GATEWAY will provide “horizontal” support for the startups and the startup support organizations of its ecosystems (Romania, Slovenia, Czech Republic) and will implement activities providing immediate improvement in four specific areas: Access to networks, Access to finance, Access to talent and Capacity Building, which are common for all targeted countries.

Moreover, the project will contribute to the expansion of the Startup Europe Community by opening the GATE of Startup Europe to the Balkans. To achive this MY-GATEWAY has involved the leading start-up support organisations from Serbia, Macedonia and Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Visit the project page here.