
The second edition of NOVA MATH - UNIDEMI Talks took place last May 26th, Wednesday, an event that aims to promote the sharing of knowledge and teamwork between the scientific areas of Mathematics and Industrial Engineering, through their respective Research Centers at NOVA School of Science and Technology | NOVA FCT.

At this second edition the speakers were: 
Radu Godina, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, UNIDEMI: Optimization of Ship-Based Logistics Systems in Green Corridors 
Abstract: The overall objective is to propose, evaluate and prioritize alternative measures that, in the most cost-efficient way, will take an existing shipping corridor from its current state towards zero-emission transport. Such measures may include vessel technologies (type, size, propulsion, fuels), fleet size & mix optimization, fleet operations (contracts, routing, scheduling), port development, and alternative fuel availability and upstream logistics. We intend to address problems such as:
• The ship routing problem of a small-scale LNG supply chain with carbon emissions restrictions;
• The minimization of the total cost of shipping and the reduction of environmental impact;
• The ship routing problem with bunkering ports on a green corridor to minimize emissions with voyage budget constraints.
Isabel Gomes, Department of Mathematics, NOVA MATH: Application of Linear Optimization in Decision Support: Three Case Studies
Abstract: The use of linear optimization as a decision support tool has tremendous potential in various fields. In this seminar, I aim to show how this optimization technique has been used in decision support systems to solve real-world problems. The three cases focus on logistics problems: reverse logistics, waste collection management and home care support. These case studies may involve different industries, scenarios, and objectives, but they all share the use of linear optimization as a key tool to extract valuable insights from data and facilitate informed decision making.
This seminar is funded by national funds through the FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., under the scope of the projects UIDB/00297/2020 and UIDP/00297/2020 (NOVA Math – Center for Mathematics and Applications), and UID/EMS/00667/2019 (UNIDEMI – Research and Development Unit for Mechanical and Industrial Engineering).