2 Research Scholarships awarded to students of the Doctoral Programs in Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Engineering


The final results of the 2019 edition of the Competition for the Award of Research Grants for PhDs in All Scientific Domains, promoted by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT-MCTES), are now known. 2 students from the Doctoral Programs in Mechanical Engineering (PhDME) and Industrial Engineering (PhDIE) were awarded scholarships this year.

Are they:
• Ana Patrícia Cardoso Martins – “Development of integrated structural-safety numerical models for aeronautic prototype certification of passenger cabin interior structures”
• Inês A. Ferreira – “Supply chain management in industrial symbiosis networks in the context of additive manufacturing”
UNIDEMI – Research Unit in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering congratulates our scholarship students, who will now develop their work plans with us.